Thursday, May 23, 2013

PALAVRAS E PALAVRAS was born from the desire to explore language – one of the most powerful tools we humans have at our disposal. PALAVRAS E PALAVRAS is not just about the world of words though, but also about the challenges of connecting and communicating. It is about us and our need to speak, to communicate, to express ourselves, to be heard and understood, and to listen.

Usually, when we think about words we think about the spoken and written word – the tangible expression of the intangible. To me though, words are not just combinations of sounds or symbols that we use to express our thoughts and feelings. To me, words are much, much more.
Words are precious. They have enormous power. They can heal. They can hurt. They can be true and kind and consoling. They can lie. They can be destructive and deceitful. They can break our spirit. They can lift us up. They can be inspirational. They can be empty. They can be full of meaning. They can be funny. They can be sad.

Words create worlds, they can change the reality. Words carry so much. They are the symbols of much deeper layers in our subconscious that are truly intimate, i.e. our innermost thoughts, memories and longings. Words carry our soul, our spirit, the eternal part of who we really are.
We should never underestimate the power of words. We should always use them wisely.
Yet, sometimes there is no need for words, sometimes we can say everything without a single word. At other times, words are not enough. And sometimes we need to use them, to hear them, to keep them in our hearts, to cherish them.

In PALAVRAS E PALAVRAS, I explore the power of words, how we use them to make our ideas, emotions and memories breathe so that they can find a form that can be perceived. PALAVRAS E PALAVRAS is about me, about you, about us and about the words through which we all connect.
In PALAVRAS E PALAVRAS, I am reaching out not just with words but also with the body, through all the meanings it is capable of conveying. I go beyond words and let the language of the body speak.

In PALAVRAS E PALAVRAS, the words work in unison with the body, the two telling a story together. To me, dance is a language beyond words. Like words, dance has enormous power of conveying meaning. It is also the language I know best. And it is the medium that gives the dancer the chance to express his or her personal voice in a language that we all understand.

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